You’re moving! That’s exciting and stressful. It's thrilling, terrifying. and exhilarating! It can be exhausting! Moving has this impressive way of providing us with a dichotomy of emotions, doesn’t it?

One of the biggest STRESSERS while moving is the COST

Being in the moving business 30 plus years, we want to offer some of our expertise when it comes to the misconceptions on how to save money while moving. We also provide you great ways to make the process go smoother and more cost-effectively.

1. Moving Yourself

There are some situations where moving yourself can be a great option. However, moving is hard, tedious, and no one likes to do it. There are several scenarios that will cause the move to be more expensive than you expected. Some examples are, things don't fit in the truck you rented, a buddy throws out his back, your girlfriend dropped one end of your new flat screen and now it’s in a million pieces. Keep in mind that on average, moving takes about 3 times longer than people expect. Check out our DIY and Truck Rental services to get your move started.

2. Doing Your Own Packing

Most people who choose to do their own packing underestimate how much packing they have and how long it will to take them. Typically, people underestimate 75% of the things they need to pack and are left frantically trying to get things in order for moving day. We're NOT suggesting you do none of your own packing , because packing some of your items can lead to saving you some money.

3. Decluttering

We suggest you spend time going through closets, crawl spaces, and basements and getting rid of things. Ask a friend or spouse to hold you accountable to actually follow through with this, because these things are important to you and carry memories with them. You wouldn’t believe the money that people spend on moving and storing things that they haven’t used in years, if not decades.

4. Donating Items to Charity

As you downsize and discard, you will come across things that are useful, but not useful to you. Load all of these things into bags and boxes, and donate them to charities. This could save you some money through a charitable donation. Donating will make you feel good to be giving your items to others who may need them, rather than throwing them away. Some helpful links to get your started. h

5. Flat Panel TV’s

Originally flat panel TV’s cost $1000’s of dollars, which caused the moving industry to create expensive boxes designed for flat panel TV’s. Even though the TV costs have drastically decreased, the costs of the specialty moving boxes have not. It costs about $150-$200 per television to pack. Consider packing your cheaper televisions yourselves or even replacing them once you move to your new destination.

6. Appliance/Electonic/Grand Father Clock/ Pool Table Services

Most moving companies do not handle unhooking or hooking up appliances, electronic devices, or specialty items. To save money, you can do these services yourself, or you can contact some companies that specialize in those services and pay them directly, taking out the extra fees, and saving you up to 60% of these charges. Contact Dearman Moving & Storage for your specilty move items.

7. Real Estate Fees

Real E state fees often cost more than the move itself. There are at least two great services out there that can save and/or pay you money when you use them. The first is called, which allows agents in your area to bid on listing your house. The competition generated drives commission percentages down, translating in huge saving for you! The second company is called They pay you a percentage of cash back on the sale of your existing home and the purchase of your new home.

Dearman Moving & Storage Company

Dearman Moving & Storage has over 30 years of moving experience. We provide a wide range of customizable moving options, from full service to truck rentals and moving supplies. Contact us today at (419) 524-3456 to speak to a moving agent and get your move started today!

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