Our Blog

Stay updated with the latest news and information on the moving and storage industry by reading our blog! We feature informative and useful posts and articles to help you with tips for your move, as well as advice from our years of experience in the business
The Pros and Cons of DIY Packing

The majority of our customers plan to do their own packing. Time and time again, when we are gathering information about a customer’s moving service needs, they will say, “We will do our own packing. We just need you to move the big stuff.” It is totally understandable wanting to save some money during the […]

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How Dearman Makes Moving Stress-Free

“Stress-free” is quite the buzz word these days. We pay big money to be stress-free. We pay for therapists, medication, massages, babysitters, vacations, cleaning services, dog walkers, assistants, comfort food, and the list goes on. So how does Dearman prove to make your move stress-free? There are some tangible/measurable ways that we do this for […]

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What Should I Tip My Moving Crew?

A lot of our customers will ask what or even if they should tip their moving crew. Let me start off by saying there is no obligation from Dearman Moving to tip our crew members, and we leave that completely up to our customers. In the past, we’ve had customers provide lunch/drinks for the crew […]

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Why Dearman will NOT be the Cheapest Option

You read that right. We will NOT be your cheapest option when it comes to moving and that does not scare us to say that. We don’t want to be your cheapest option. Your cheapest option will NOT: Vet, train, or drug screen their employees. Have marked moving trucks. Show up on time, on the […]

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Who We Are

Dearman Moving & Storage is more than just a moving company When someone asks me what I do, I don’t say “I own Dearman Moving & Storage Company”.  I say “I meet people where they are help guide them to where they want to be”. That purpose is much more than just moving people from one […]

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